Friday, 4 March 2011

Imagine Me and You.....

I do. I think about you day and night, it's only right, to think about the watch you love and hold it tight, so happy together..

The only thing wrong about this statement is that i don't actually own the watch.


I've been dreaming about this baby for months.
It's a toy watch; fluro pink.

I actually need it.

All the other watches i have owned have either broken or gone out of fashion; how can i be expected to be on time at my new school without this watch?

Without it i will be the laughing stock of the fashion world if i do not own this. It'll be all like; "she's cool, wonder what watch she ha--  *sees watch* oh no, we can't talk to her, she has last seasons swatch watch."

Do you understand what i have to go through now? It is style suicide. This is the thing that will complete me as a person; i won't need to worry about my appearance because i'll have this little piece of perfection on my wrist. I could go naked for all i care..... maybe not.

Now everyone, hope to god my mum reads this.

How have your weekends been so far? I had one of those days where i really couldn't be bothered dressing nicely so i threw on a pair of cargos, an old tee, my sunglasses and hope to god no one recognises me.

Yes, this is my life; i'm like a celebrity ....  as if. The only person that would notice if i dress differently would be the 80 year old man who is the head of the local rotary; contrary to popular belief, he has a fabulous sense of fashion.

Infinite x's and o's,


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