Saturday, 12 March 2011

Did someone say... Festival Fashion?

Well i did!
I don't know if anyone else said it..

Anyway, It's festival season so i thought i'd post some of my fav festival fashion:

1. Ponchos    

     2. Dr Martins

3. Denim

               4. Cropped Tops

5. Oversized Shirts

There are other ones i like obviously, however i liked the images with these looks. Other looks i love are lace, hats, socks, blazers, boots, chunky jewelry, john lennon specks, vests, tie die pieces and beanies.

I hope you found this helpful and i hope you share the same love for festivals and it's fashion as me.

Au revoir for now,



  1. YOU!
    if i was dressing up as a villian who would i dress up as? im considering Jessica Rabbit.. but i am not sure. xx

  2. Love the info. However don't forget, if it's wet; Hunter Gumboots are the best!!!

    Have Fun xx
